
2007-04-25 6:49 pm

回答 (2)

2007-04-28 6:27 pm
✔ 最佳答案
You can go to http://www.apartments.co.nz/ to chk the price.. Auckland city NZ$400+ (per week), South Island about NZ$180- NZ$300 (per week). but normally people rent more then 6mths.. if you only want 3 months maybe more expensive.

As Saruwatari said homestay is much cheaper n less problems. homestay in Auckland about NZ$250- $350 (per week), south island about $180- $250 (per week) homestay incl electricity, phone, meal n transport to school (if too far away). Also u can understand more NZ culture n daily life. you just contact your school in NZ, then they'll help u to find the homestay for you.

Start in May, some part of South Island already start snowing. if you going to drive... drive safe
參考: 8+ years in New zealand, http://www.apartments.co.nz
2007-04-25 10:27 pm
講真,如果你係留學三個係nz 既話,唔好租APARTMENT啦,住homestay 啦,你可以搵agent做...你係係north island 定south island?,講真,你去既三個月正當係紐西蘭最cold 既三個月,記住囉多d 衣服,如果你一定要租APARTMENT既話,會好麻煩,又貴~~你學校會有agent ,到時你搵你個邊學校agent做....冇死啦....
APARTMENT係得你一個,如果得你一個,你又唔識english ,到時,叫天唔應,叫地唔應,你就真係哈哈啦
住homestay 都可以學english 有d重會teach你...........

good luck .......enjoy u r nz travel.........
nz is a good place...enjoy

2007-04-27 13:00:15 補充:
如果你租APARTMENT既話,你一定車出出入入,唔係行到你死!!!!但係要係好似25 yrs ,你可以租車,會方便d!!!!!你有車牌就得啦!!!慢慢開啦......係紐西蘭開車係幾好玩.....free 嘛......我依家都日日開.....haha
參考: 係紐西蘭留學中...........

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