六月股災 ?

2007-04-25 5:55 pm
有個高手話做了分析同睇圖表, 認為今年六月股市會有一刧, 你地點睇 ?

呢d 真係可以靠圖來預測嗎?

回答 (2)

2007-04-25 11:26 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Jerry said in January that there would not have any crash this year, but major corrections would happen in Mar, Jun and Dec. He is right about March already.

My personal view is the shanghai index is far too high. eg. China life and china bank in shanghai market are about 50% higher than in HK, this is really unreasonable and unhealthy. Chinese government will do it's best to control the market, a big correction in May/June sounds reasonable.

2007-04-25 15:27:18 補充:
jerry web site http://www.forteller.com/art3.html
2007-05-06 3:40 pm
It will happen in May, not June. You will see the lowest point of the year at the end of May.

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