
2007-04-25 8:21 am
如我在恆生e-banking 有一手中行派$40~都要收$30...手續費代收,有無得寄支票俾我而唔使收那$30????
同埋真的要收的話,萬一有隻股派的股息都代過$30 都就會扣$30????那唔收好過收啦??

回答 (3)

2007-04-25 8:27 am
✔ 最佳答案
係有得叫佢俾股息經支票, 如果你唔想俾手續費
如果股息仲低過$30, 銀行都係會照收你手續費
2007-04-25 8:29 am
真是要收的,我都問過股票行,是有一個額的,我忘記了,over 要再收貴啲,現在已減了,早幾年要50元,
2007-04-25 8:27 am
yes, because of the minimum charge, there could be chance that there is nothing left after receiving your dividend.

The only way to get around this is withdraw the physical script and hold your stock physically. The dividend payment will be sent to you by cheque if you hold the stock directly under your name.

收錄日期: 2021-05-03 12:04:28
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