Do you ever take an afternoon nap?

2007-04-25 12:51 am
I have college tonight but want to snooze first. Feeling lazy...

回答 (13)

2007-04-25 12:59 am
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Yes somtimes I do. Nap taking can be very refreshing, however if you take a nap that is too long you may have trouble sleeping at night. I would say talk a nap that is no longer than 20-30 minutes.
2016-09-06 10:52 am
LOL :P what time is it there? its 7:08 PM right here :P however to reply your query, sure, sure I do :P in the summertime I take an hour nap daily :P I get up at 10, devour brunch make plans for that night time, fall asleep for an hour, bathe, difference get in a position move out come residence take my puppy out for a stroll, come residence bathe difference watch TV or a film after which return to sleep :) :P SUMMER LIFE RULES!
2007-04-25 5:46 am
So did many famous people in history, so good ahead and nap--it increases your productivity later.
Good luck
2007-04-25 1:58 am
Studies show that if you sleep for 20 minutes, you will not wake up cranky and you will feel very refreshed. ONLY 20 mintues, no more, no less.
2007-04-25 1:20 am
For me a nap is a very special treat. Love to have one whenever I can manage.
2007-04-25 1:02 am
sometimes I take an afternoon nap only if I do not have enough sleep last night, normally I will not take the nap, it is a good way to made up sleep debt.
參考: personal opinion
2007-04-25 12:59 am
I take ashort one after work before I go to class. I never sleep longer than 30 minutes, though, because if I do I wake up feeling even more tired and a lot less motivated.
2007-04-25 12:58 am
Took one today. I love the rest.
2007-04-25 12:57 am
Yes. When I'm really tired I just lay down in my big comfy chair and nap for awhile. It's very nice :)
2007-04-25 12:57 am
I take them almost every afternoon after work. It helps me a lot especially if I want to stay up later in the night.

Go ahead have your siesta

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