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Where I live we're the minority and the other people (who aren't white) have been raised to hate us based on stuff that happened to their ancestors. I've even asked some point blank why they hate white people and what was done to them. They had no answer. Nothing had happened to them. It was cultural conditioning. When I'm discriminated against in public by young nonwhites, older nonwhites get irrate most of the time and want to step in. And they were more likely to have experienced actual racism. Yet, they are less racist. So if anyone says it was because some white person did something to them, that's not it. It's their subculture.
And I've gotton over that misplaced white guilt because I'm not guilty and don't know any white people who are. I have no problem with being white or with the traits I have from being white like skin that won't tan or whatever. There's nothing wrong with it.
People need to practice what they preach and treat everyone like individuals, and not demand respect they haven't earned nor misplace blame where it doesn't belong.