Who would be most likely be the next U.S. President??

2007-04-24 9:29 am

回答 (12)

2007-04-24 11:01 am
✔ 最佳答案
Hillary Clinton is most likely the next US President because of her influence in the Democratic party with a wide array of fundraisers that was put up by Bill Clinton.

VOTE for your choice as US President on my 360 degrees profile blog and know who will likely win.
2007-04-24 10:59 am
Almost a done deal. . . . Fred Thompson !
2007-04-24 10:24 am
2007-04-24 10:09 am
Unfortunately, I think it will be whomever the globalists want it to be, and anything that is good for the globalists, is bad for the people! I will continue to pray for an honest election, and an honest president, and an honest government, and I know that we will get both, but I don't think that 2008 will be the year for it! *sm*
2007-04-24 10:06 am
Easy, Hillary Clinton, why?

We are at the most important time in our history and we the public will make the wrong choice, the masses are always wrong.
If you see a crowd running in one direction then go the other way.

It will take bad decision upon bad decision to bring this country to our knees and that is just what she will do.
Tell me how is she even in the running?
What did she ever do, any woman with any morals or balls would have left that lying two faced morally bankrupt husband of hers.
But she stayed for this reason alone, she knew she would run for congress and know she is the front runner for the whitehouse.
Nancy Pelosi and now Hillary we are doomed.
I just love that line of bullsiht lets open a dialog together.
What the **** does that mean?
2007-04-24 9:49 am
Right now it's looking like the general election could come down to Hillary v. Rudy or Obama v. Rudy. But it is definitely WAY too early to be certain. Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton were both surprise winners in their primaries.
2007-04-24 9:34 am
Any one would be better than Clinton or Osma ! Can you give me Micky Mouse?
2007-04-24 9:41 am
Late entry, Al Gore
2007-04-24 9:37 am
The nominee of the Democratic Party--either Clinton, Obama or Edwards. As for me, I'll vote for John Edwards.
2007-04-24 9:34 am
Too early to call at this stage, so I will give You the standard, flippant answer: The one with the most votes.

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