
2007-04-25 7:52 am

1. 想知道搭長途機係咪好辛苦?
2. 有咩要注意?
3. 要帶d咩上機用?(有同事話要帶mask wor)
4. 機上可否玩遊戲機?(eg. PSP?)
5. 有人話係機上最好儘量只飲清水,唔好飲酒、咖啡,點解呢?飲果汁又得唔得?
6. 我個鼻好易乾同流鼻血,如果搭飛機果十幾個鐘流鼻血就慘囉!有咩方法可以避免呀?

thx a lot!!

會乘搭英航經倫敦轉機往羅馬,economic class

回答 (4)

2007-04-25 8:00 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. depends on which cless u choose...for economic class...I think it is really a little bit feel uncomfortable...since the seat is not so big and comfort
2. u need to take out yr shoe to let yr foot for relax
3. i think no need to use mask...but some yr personal keep mositure cosmetics stuff is needed
4. PSP, NSDlite...even portable DVD player is also ok...but u need to turn off when the plan start fly and prepare for landing
5. since in the plane, ppl is more easy to get drunk when drink wine. for coffee...if u want to sleep..then don't drink such stuff to refresh yrself ...juice is ok...but certainly water is best as doctor always recommend that...
6. actually...in the plane it is not very dry...may be u can keep to water yr face...drink more water (may be u can ask for some hot water and smell it i.e. breath some warm wet air)
2007-04-25 8:37 am


其他:A.帶小型水煲,(酒店飲水喉水)也許會水土不服. B.帶歐洲用的電器轉插.
2007-04-25 8:12 am
1 ) 你双腳長不長 ? 長嘅話搭經濟客位都幾辛苦.
屈住吖嗎!!! 所以好多人reserve Exit Aisle seat ( 出口路口位) 因為濶D. 腳又可以伸直.

2) 無セ注意 ( 當然帶齊passport 辨好Visa <--- 如要, 否則你無可能係机上 )

3) 你皮膚差咪要囉!! ( 不過飛机上好乾 ,水份好快抽乾. 可能愈袂愈乾 !! )

4 ) MP3 PSP NDS 都可以 !! (起飛時就咪開) ---- > 影嚮飛机零件

5) 飲セ都得 ----> 每人身体体質不同 !!

6) 用野塞住個鼻 ( ha ha 開玩笑) ----> 飲多水ok la.

Bye !!
參考: Have a nice trip ......
2007-04-25 7:58 am
sometimes you need to stand up and strech your legs.

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