
2007-04-25 7:19 am
I chose this topic because this is similar with the secondary school's sport day. And that can retrieve the secondary school time and prove own ability.
I use a mind-map to organize my ideas.

My identifying the specific audience is ... students. After the schoolmates look, I hope that they can know what occurrence of the sport day and they will have the interest to join the next year sport day.

我既topic係:sport day in the university, 因為我覺得與中學既sport day,有點相似! 而且可以令人回憶返中學既時期,與証明自己既能力!

回答 (2)

2007-04-25 5:08 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I chose this topic because it reminds me of those sports days organized by secondary schools. I remember those memorable moments when we tried our very best to assure our capability.

I have selected to use a mind-map to represent my ideas.

The audience segment that I am targeting is ... students. I hope, by showing to the students my mind-map, they will learn about the origin of sports days and gain interests in joining the sports day next year.

sorry呀,唔係好明,你既意思,你最尾係咪話:等d學生睇左之後,我希望佢地可以知道sports day既由來,同埋會有興趣…


sports day係有s響個sport後面

一開始果度唔係好make sense,我梗硬改左,請用中文諗諗:你話你個topic係體育日,因為同中學既體育日有d似…呢句個問題係:你o岩o岩講完個topic,跟住你話同中學體育日相似,咁你姐係講話個”主題”同”中學體育日”有d似,唔係”大學體育日”同”中學體育日”有d似,”主題”點可以同”體育日”相似呢?唔知你明唔明我講乜呢?



2007-04-25 7:10 pm
The topic i chose is: "Sport / Athletics Day in university", the reason i have chosen this topic is because it's similiar to the Sport / Athletics Day in high schools, this will bring many high school memories to many people along with the idea of proving one's abilities.
I've identified my specific audience as ..... students. After my presentation, it is my hope that the students will have a better knowledge of what's going on on a
Sport/ Athletics Day and therefore have a better interest in joining the next year's Sport / Athletics Day.
參考: I major in Marketing.

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