
2007-04-25 6:58 am
How much wood would the woodchuck chuck if the woodchuck could chuck wood?
將呢句改成indirect question!!
要係開頭加Can you explain..
thanks very much!!


回答 (1)

2007-04-25 11:52 am
✔ 最佳答案
Firstly, a woodchuck土撥鼠 is also known as a groundhog (have a look at the link below to see info of a woodchuck)

Chuck describes a movement of throwing something quickly across a short distance (chuck = 抛/扔)

So... the question:;
How much wood would the woodchuck chuck if the woodchuck could chuck wood
is asking 如果土撥鼠能扔木頭的wa, 它可以扔多少木頭le??

Indirect question format:
Can you explain how much wood can a woodchuck chuck, if it can chuck wood??

Hope it helps~
參考: I did use 網上翻譯 but i have rearranged the wordings to make it make sense, not direct copy and paste!!!

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