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英文:"I have not come into this world to make men better, but to make use of their weaknesses."
Social undertakings not completed, the crux of it, not the purposes of small consideration, and restore the people's rights.
One person's responsibility is not to silence the work, but in flagrant eradicate evil and make every effort to remedy.
勝者為王,敗者為寇。我知道明天全世界的人都會因為因為我戰敗而責備我, 但那又有什麼呢?
Winner and losers to this point. I know that tomorrow the world would defeat because I blame me, but what?
After the past few decades, from the ruins of the destroyed cities would have to those who genuinely hate war criminals. They international Jewish groups and their puppets manipulated by politicians.
Is the most cruel weapon, if it has long been after the victory, then, for humanitarian principles are not mutually exclusive.