Sentence STructure~!! help

2007-04-25 3:56 am
Out of America's fascination with all things antique has grown a market for bygone styles of furniture and fixtures that is bringing back the chaise lounge, the overstuffed sofa, and the claw-footed bathtub.

同埋我想問下 'that is bringing back' 個部份可唔可以轉做 that bring 呢?

回答 (1)

2007-04-28 8:16 am
✔ 最佳答案
Q1. 可唔可以幫我分析下呢一個既句子結構呢?

a sentence =subj. +v. (+obj. 可有可無)

subject: *Out of America's fascination*
verb: *has grown* [has~aux. v, grown~main v.]
object: *a market*

Out of America's fascination with all things antique[1] has grown a market for bygone styles of furniture and fixtures[2] that is bringing back the chaise lounge, the overstuffed sofa, and the claw-footed bathtub. [3]

1. "with all things antique"係 prepositional pharse, 作用係subject complement 去講多d subj. ge info. 你知

2. "for bygone styles of furniture and fixtures" 都係 prepositional pharse, describe緊個market係一個咩ge market

3. ''that is bringing back the chaise lounge, the overstuffed sofa, and the claw-footed bathtub." 係relative clause of ''bygone styles of furniture and fixtures", 作用就係再講清楚d呢隻係乜乜style, 形象化下佢, 又講lounge, 又講sofa同bathtub, 等你知道係果個時代同咁ge style, 連呢d擺設都可以係咁ge樣.

Q2. 同埋我想問下 'that is bringing back' 個部份可唔可以轉做 that bring 呢?

'that is bringing back' 係present continuous tense, 有一種進行緊ge感覺, 係呢度係emphasize緊果種 ''bygone styles"返黎ge過程
用"that bring" 就無左呢種emphasis, 不過grammar上都一樣岩ge~

hope this helps~^^
參考: myself =]

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