
2007-04-24 9:45 pm


回答 (1)

2007-04-24 11:29 pm
✔ 最佳答案
The ferry is the indispensible mode of transport for people living on outlying islands. It is unfair for them to pay the high ferry fares while still spending long time to commute. The government has introduced competition to ferry service. But the ferry companies still claim to fail to make a profit and thus refuse to bring down the fares. Here are the possible solutions. We may consider building bridges or tunnels to connect outlying islands, such as Lamma, to the city, following the example of Hengqin Island of Zhuhai. Otherwise, changes may be introduced to the existing ferry service. Ferry pier in the city may be moved from the present location in the city centre to a location that would help shorten the ferry trip. For example, there should be ferry from Lamma to Aberdeen. To tie in with the change, the connection trasport from the piers to city centre should also be improved.
Minibus service is operated mainly on individual basis. Taking advantages of the flexibility, new express routes such as those taking the West Harbour Tunnel and East Harbour Tunnel have emerged. Pollution is still an issue to be addressed concerning minibus service, though many minibuses have shifted to LPG. But the issue that needs attention most is safety. The minibuses serving express routes often run far over the speed limit, resulting in several fatal accidents that involved both passengers and pedestrians. Measures have to be taken to ensure safefy but not to hurt the livelihood of the drivers. In addition to publicity and education, law enforcing effort should also be stepped up.
參考: 用心寫英文, 不用自動翻譯機器, 即使不是最好也不要害人

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