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2007-04-24 8:08 pm
我好難先搵到呢首歌呀...仲記得呢首歌嗎??果晚響 NOW到聽到呢

回答 (5)

2007-04-25 2:53 am
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我好難先搵到呢首歌呀...仲記得呢首歌嗎??果晚響 NOW到聽到呢

It took a long time for me to find this song.Can you still remember this song?Which we listened at NOW that night.It's reaaaally GREAT!!I always listen to it recently.It's reaally nice and I love it very much~!!
Each time when I listen to this song,i'll think of the days that I be with you.Really.

參考: Myself
2007-04-24 11:23 pm
I found the song hard ,

can you remember this song ?

果晚響 NOW到聽到呢
one day ,I listened to this song at NOW ,

it's really pleasant to to listened !

I listened this song for many times recently ,

i love it very much as everytime when i listen to this song , i'll think of the days staying with you .

that's true!


我好難先搵到呢首歌呀...仲記得呢首歌嗎??果晚響 NOW到聽到呢


I found the song hard , can you remember this song ?one day ,I listened to this song at NOW ,it's really pleasant to to listened ! I listened this song for many times recently ,i love it very much as everytime when i listen to this song , i'll think of the days staying with you .
2007-04-24 10:03 pm
Do you still remember this song?I found it hardly.That night,I listening to it at NOW.Its really a good song.Now,I listen to it often.I like it very much!Actually,when I listening to this song,it will make me recollect the day with you.Thats the true!!
參考: myself
2007-04-24 8:55 pm
I find this song very hard ,,,,,,,, Are u still remember this song? i listened it at night in NOW.com . This song is really good! Recently, I always listen it as I love this song very much ! In fact, When i listening the song , i will think of the day with you....
2007-04-24 8:17 pm
I found the song hard , can you remember this song ? one day ,I listened to this song at NOW ,it's really pleasant to to listened ! I listened this song for many times recently ,i love it very much as everytime when i listen to this song , i'll think of the days staying with you . that's true!

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