
2007-04-24 7:39 pm
急用 請大家幫幫忙吧!!!

回答 (3)

2007-04-24 10:53 pm
✔ 最佳答案
burning fossil fuels will release many air pollutants to the atmosphere and cause pollutions. for example, carbon monoxide, unburnt hydrocarbon, suspended particulates, oxides of nitrogen and sulphur dioxide.

carbon monoxide will react with haemoglobin in red blood cell to reduce the oxygen carrying power of haemoglobin, so our body will lack of oxygen and we will feel dizzy, seriously, we will die because of suffocation.

some unburnt hydrocarbon are carcinogenic, that is, will we breathe it in or swallowed it into our body, it may cause cancer. example is benzene.

suspended particulates will reduce the visibility of the city and when we breathe it in, it will iritate our respiratory system.

oxides of nitrogen will irritate and attack the respiratory system, nitrogen dioxide may even dissolves in rainwater and cause acid rain. also, unburnt hydrocarbon and nitrogen dioxide will react to form photochemical smog which cause reduced visibility, eye and bronchial irritation and damage to plants and animals.

sulphur dioxde will dissolves in rainwater and cause acid rain. it will also irritate the respiratory system and affect the normal function of the lungs. in high concentration, it may cause cancer and death.
參考: me*
2007-04-24 9:29 pm
燃燒時會生成二氧化硫, [引致酸雨] .
燃燒時會 [生成有毒的一氧化碳].
同一黑煙 [製造空氣污染物].
參考: my chemical knowledge
2007-04-24 7:44 pm

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