reach 和arrive有什么分别?

2007-04-24 6:50 pm
reach 和arrive有什么分别?

回答 (4)

2007-04-24 10:28 pm
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當然reach的意思比arrive的意思多,但若你所指的只是它們解作”到達”之意,其實這兩個字的意思都沒有分別,連牛津字典,給reach其中的一個意思就是"arrive at",但你必須留意,reach解作到達的時候,是一個及物動詞,後面必須有受詞
如:We reached Bejing last sunday.
如:The delegation (arrived in) London last Monday.
至於shut和close的分別,在牛津字典第六版,有一段study note就這樣說:
you can close and shut doors, windows, your eyes, mouth, etc.(關門,閉窗,閉眼,閉嘴等用close或shut均可)
Shut含發出較大聲音之意,常見於slammed shut, banged shut, snapped shut.
Shut is also usually used for containers such as boxes, suitcases etc.(閉上盒子,手提箱等亦常用shut)
e.g. What time do the banks close/shut
e.g. The store is closed/shut today
closed可用於名詞前,shut則不能,如:a closed window
通路封閉,機場關閉等常用closed,如:The road is closed because of the snow
2007-04-24 7:41 pm
I reached France on Monday. I arrived in France on Monday.
How did you reach your conclusion? How did you arrive at your conclusion?

I called John all morning long and could not reach him.

The teacher asked us to close our books.
I closed/shut the door/window.
I shut the tap.
2007-04-24 7:35 pm
some time they are the same, all depends where do you want to apply them

eg. I reach home at 10pm =I arrive home at 10pm
eg. I don't know where he is, I can't reach him. ( here, it means I can't find him, so you can't use arrive.

eg I shut off the TV . You can use "turn off" but can't use close
eg I close the door. =I shut the door.

So it all depends.
2007-04-24 7:00 pm
reach係用係一d地區範圍較大既地方, 例如國家咁.
I have just reached France.

而arrive係可以用係一d地區範圍較細或者較大既地方, 好似城市咁, 又或者係一個建築物
都可以係國家. arrive既用法係比較有彈性既.
I have arrived in the city.

shut就好似reach咁, 通常係用係一個較複雜或者較巨大既物體上.
好似一個network, 一件重型機器咁.
The server shuts down the network automatically.

例子日常都可以見到, 相信唔洗俾個example你都識

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