部notebook load唔入window, 點算好呢? 10分

2007-04-24 9:58 am
唔知點解, 突然間部notebook load 唔入window~

我用的是toshiba a50, 今晚部機hang hang 地後, 再restart 就入唔到window,

正常一開機就會有toshiba 的畫面, 之後就應該見到load window xp的黑色畫面, 再入window ga ma~

但係而家淨係一開機就見toshiba 畫面, 但之後就黑咗 (但係聽到部機有聲好似load 緊嘢同係有光的黑色畫面, 並不是關機完全沒有畫像的黑色畫面), 而且仲入唔到window

因為我搵唔返張recovery disk, 請問可以點做呢?

回答 (1)

2007-04-24 7:24 pm
✔ 最佳答案
This is very likely your notebook harddisk is dead. If your warranty is no longer valid. you can un-install the harddisk out and put it into an USB 2.0 harddisk box and test, connect to other PC/notebook to test.

If it works and you can read everything inside, that means, your windows has problem, you should order a recovery disk, put your harddisk back and recover it.

If your harddisk is not working in other PC, you can buy a new harddisk and restore your windowsXP back through recovery CD.

Pls note that your harddisk data may be loss if you directly recover your windows through recovery CD.

Or the best way is to have your warranty, just send it to Toshiba for repair.

Remember to make a copy of recovery CD and put it in safe in the future!!!

Hope this help! Good luck!!
參考: Myself

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