營養師 earning and job opportunity

2007-04-24 8:50 am
營養師 earning and job opportunity. I want to work in hospital, is the deman high?
Please be specific, don't give me website. It will be greate to have personal experience. Thanks!

回答 (1)

2007-04-30 12:24 pm
✔ 最佳答案
IF the '營養師' means dietitians,
job opportunities:
> clinical dietitians (mainly working in ward),
> community dietitians (community based, that means u'll be working in health promotion related things in the community instead of facing the sick patients for the most of ur time),
> working in the food industry (for product development, quality assessment, etc), or
> as a consultant (ie, working in 減肥公司 that kind of thing)

from my point of view,
u can make most money if u work as a consultant (of coz!)
but if u wish to use what have learnt during your 4 years training, go for either hospital or community dietitians

PS: to 樓上,
train as a 營養師同train as a 醫生唔同
在飲食對病人健康影響方面營養師學ge 野係專過醫生好多

我唔係讀醫, 我唔知medical 果邊佢地係點train 有關營養方面ge野
不過我地dietetics 除左要讀書考試之外,
仲有28weeks 必修ge 醫院實習, 要真真正正對住d病歷開餐單, 如果開錯野比病人食的話實習會肥佬, 會畢唔道業拎唔到牌

的確, 唔可以否認, 餐單開左出黎, 醫生會唔會簽字批比個病人食唔係我地控制得到. 而且對於醫病, 我地當然係冇醫生咁專業.

不過請唔好否認我地ge 專業知識

2007-05-01 18:22:24 補充:
I'm doing my degree in UK.
to enrol the programme by HKU SPACE, they run the course every 2 years
& the minimum requirement is 2:1 or above in nutrition related subjects + working experience.
參考: 我讀緊dietetics

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