Skin care

2007-04-24 7:06 am
My face have lots of pimples and I wish that they can disappear. Can anyone suggest ways to prevent pimples. (I do not want skin care products) Please tell me what I should eat more and whatsoever kind of things.

回答 (2)

2007-04-24 6:20 pm
✔ 最佳答案
use fresh aloe.....put it on your pimples...
it's quite good.....
eat more vegetable & fruit
every day drinks 8 cup of water....
you can't eat seafood & beef......

2007-04-24 10:21:00 補充:
fish you can eat.......

2007-04-24 10:21:50 補充:
you can not eat seafood & beef......

2007-04-24 10:22:41 補充:
you can not eat too much seafood & beef
2007-04-24 7:27 am
要戒食熱氣野, 包括薯片, 朱古力等等;
唔好"支"暗瘡, 或用手指搞佢, 因為指甲藏左好多細菌.

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