✔ 最佳答案
A: about, above across, after, against,along, alongside, amidst, among(st) , around, at
B: before, behind,below, beneath, beside, besides,between, betwixt, beyond, but, by
OTHER : down, for, from, in, into, of, off,on, out of, over, through, throughout, to, toward(s), under,underneath, up, with, within, without
Prepositions may belong to one of these types:
1) Place / Position
Eg: They are "at" the grocery shop
2) Direction/ Movement
Eg: She drove "around" the town
3) Time
Eg: She war born " in" 1960
4) Means/Manner
Eg: Some shops were destroyed "by" fire
5) Reason/ Purpose
Eg: She lost her purse "through" neligence.