想學鼓 (真心)

2007-04-24 6:17 am
係咁既, 我 (女仔, 15歲) 個人黎講對音樂非常非常喜歡 (主要係偏heavy metal, hardcore..), 想試下打band鼓會點.
但我完全沒有音樂底子, 因為我好細個已經想學但冇錢.. 唯有聽歌, 而家大個d 存到錢想學打鼓, 但唔知自己岩唔岩學, 請問各位有咩方法可以知道自己岩唔岩先再學呢 ??

因為冇接觸過, 驚遇到唔好既導師哂我血汗錢..

請問有冇人可以介紹質素好既導師呢 (1對1)? 而且價錢合理的.. (4堂1粒鐘max.450) 因為我係真心想學的..希望各位幫幫忙. 價錢方面有得傾的...

回答 (4)

2007-04-24 5:53 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Firstly,ou can go to musical bookshop to search for the beginner's drums books. The materials they taught are more or less the same. Please be reminded to buy those with CD or DVD for practice and explanation. Otherwise, you don't know whether you can manage the notes rightly. Some free drum lessons are offered in websites. You can type 'free drum lessons'. Therefore, you can learn some basic technique to test your interest in drumming.

Secondly, if you find it interesting and decide to pursue further training, you can attend private lessons. Each teacher has his/her own good technique. You may try. However, you are reminded to watch out whether the teacher is willing to disclose his/her technique to you genuinely and conscientiously. Like me, I have attended lessons at a top one drummer in Hong Kong. He can teach you a lot of materials in a very short time but he will not point out your mistakes or help you to rectify them. Thus, you cannot play drums matching with the music. Besides, he is unwilling to give you any supporting references. To my disappointment, I quit his training at last. Now, I find a young man whose prestige is not so well-known as that top one drummer. However, he can teach me comprehensively and give me correct instructions to follow. Hence, I can play with the music friendly and understand the knacks thoroughly. In gist, you have to take trial lessons.

The prices for renting a drum practice room vary from place to place. Usually, it ranges from $35 - $100 for 1 hour. It depends on the costs and decision of that studio.

The lecture fee for 1 to 1 in 1 hour cannot be around $450. It is around $800 - 2000. It depends on the location of the studio, the qualification and prestige of the drum instructor, the quality of instruments provided by the studio...

In addition, you have to think about whether you would like to sit for the exam. in the future. Some drum instructors may not be able or willing to teach the materials for the exam. I had a bad experience in Tom Lee. The counter staff said that the drum instructor would also teach the materials for the exam. upon request. Finally, the drummer broke the promise and I wasted the time and money for 3 months because the drummer refused to comply with the norms of Tom Lee and the staff of Tom Lee could not manage to control the breach of policy lodged by this drummer. Furthermore, I almost lost my chance to change my drum instructor and the chance to sit for the scheduled exam. due to the time wasted for the reply of Tom Lee. Besides, there was no apology for it and no remedial action could be taken by Tom Lee. I had to bear the loss due to their poor management. It is better for you to discuss with the drummer beforehand.
參考: my experience
2012-01-12 2:17 am
drum set又有...snare drum都有
打床、木 木台 都可以練到野...@@


2007-04-26 1:26 am
其實正如第一位禁答, 通常打開鼓既都係男
你可以上呢個網, 我係呢間租Band房練鼓架 http://cycle.18.to/
不過呢間Studio學初級報, 一個月四堂一個鐘都要$600呀
唔係冇, 我都識一個女老師有教
只不過佢收得好貴, 應該係Double你個價

另外Book Band房練, 其實好平既者, $30-$40一個鐘左右啦
參考: my exp.
2007-04-24 6:21 am
打band d 人通常都係男性做

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