F.2 presentation

2007-04-24 5:55 am
大家比d topic 我呀...唔要果d self introduction or introduce books.....

回答 (2)

2007-04-24 6:24 am
✔ 最佳答案
我記得 我 F.2 ge topics 係
1 ) introduce the mid - autumn festival / christmas / ( different festivals )
2 ) report a piece of news and also your personal comments on that piece of news
3 ) introduce an extra - curricular activity that u want to newly operated in the school
2007-04-24 6:23 am
你可以環繞你的生活咁樣, 姐係例如你的hobbies,interests...
仲有可以介紹你的竉物呀, 你對某一種事物的睇法都唔錯.
參考: 自己!

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