
2007-04-24 5:35 am

回答 (5)

2007-04-25 7:01 am
✔ 最佳答案
其實呢家銀行一般都可以提供 95% 按揭服務, 只要閣下入息穩定, 出邊無其他物業, 而又無負債, 欠款紀錄良好, 而每月供款亦小於入息 45%, 一般銀行都可以借 95% 按揭, 要搞清楚, 其實好多人都誤會95% 按揭係要做兩個按揭, 即二按, 或由按揭保險公司借出, 其實 95% 按揭是做一份按揭契的, 如果你只需要借款 70% 以下, 銀行內部就可以批核, 但係如果要借超過 70%, 銀行係要找按揭保險公司擔保的, 要比保費, 好多都會放埋入個 loans 到供, 咁樣按揭保險公司就會擔保銀行多出來的 25% 如果壞帳了就由保險公司還款。95% 按揭係唔分新舊樓的, 只要唔係舊得過份 (一般小於 20年樓), 銀行都可以借 95% 按揭的, 同埋小於 100萬既樓, 其實仍有不小地方大家無留意到, 例如天馬苑, 連地價的 462-495呎 都不要一百萬, 想近地鐵的, 黃大仙的豪苑也只不過是 100萬多小小, 不過衰在係小甜甜樓, 入到荃灣, 荃景圍一帶都唔駛過百萬, 其實選擇唔小....
2007-04-24 7:42 pm
100k is a very least figure in purchasing property in hkg. bcs it is not only the selling price of the property hv to be put under consideration, no matter 1st hand or second hand even nth hands, also hv to add on the legal charges+stamp duty payable to government+commission payable to estate agent if applied. the total money wl be definitely in excess than 100k.

there is few or none 1st hand property ask less than 100m. even there is appeared on news, it is simply a dream, common people wont have a chance.
2nd hand property, could be a few but most of these are over 20's or even over 30's and without any potential to be took over. the financial institutions wl only mortgage close to 70% or less on the valuated price of the property. normally wl be lesser than the asking price. prepare to pay more on your own.

and common people on the street like you would be less likely to get the chance. the inner ciircle such as the developers, property agents and neigbourhood get the lorry first.

try government ones la.
2007-04-24 7:53 am
如果你想買的新樓是發展商提供九成按揭 , 就可以九成上會 ,
不過不是每一個樓盤都可以 , 而且近期的樓盤好像也沒有一百萬
這種價錢 .
另一種做法是 , 通過銀行向香港保險按揭公司申請九成貸款 , 這
種做法是銀行幫你做七成 , 其餘兩成由按揭公司擔保銀行借給你 ,
但你需要繳付保費 , 不過保費可以連同樓價一起做貸款 , 換句話說 ,
你100 萬樓 , 首期只要拿 10 萬就可以 , 這種做法一定要你入息證明
很清楚, 你買的樓又能夠估到十足價才能做 , 很多銀行都有做 , 如果
你怕有問題 , 有些銀行甚至可以預先批核 , 記憶中渣打好像可以 , 你
可以先看了合心水的房子 , 然後叫地產代理替你估價 , 再把所有樓宇
及你的入息資料交到銀行作為預先批核 , 批了才買就萬無一失 , 不過
有心理準備等你批了可能房子已經比人買了 , 這只是一個確定你能不
能申請到九成的程序 , 申請到後可以不一定買那間 , 只要銀碼差不多 ,
那你真的買樓時就可以有把握做到啦 .
2007-04-24 6:34 am
比間鐵皮屋你就得= ="
2007-04-24 6:13 am
在現今社會用十萬蚊買絕對唔得!!!!! 康業都係借7成

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