
2007-04-24 5:34 am
2.這本書講了Rabbit種了很多蔬菜,卻不肯與朋友分享,他的朋友Winnie the Pooh他。所以,他決定將蔬菜收割後,與朋友們一起分享。

sorry!第2句錯了 應該是 2.這本書講了Rabbit種了很多蔬菜,卻不肯與朋友分享,他的朋友Winnie the Pooh不但沒有生氣,而且當他遇到困難時,還幫助他。所以,他決定將蔬菜收割後,與朋友們一起分享。

回答 (3)

2007-04-24 5:45 am
1 My favourite cartoon charactor is Winnie the Pooh because he is helpful.
2 In this book,Rabbit had a lot of vegetable but he did't share with his friends.His friend Winnie the Pooh so he decided to share the vegetable to his friends after he reaped the vegetable.
3 I like this book because it is funny.

2007-04-23 21:46:32 補充:
你都可以寫……1 My favourite cartoon charactor is Winne the Pooh.Do you know why?It is because he is helpful.

2007-04-23 21:53:33 補充:
如果你要話Rabbit種左好多菜。你都可以話……2 In this book,Rabbit planted a lot of vegetablebut he didn't want to share them.他的朋友Winnie the Pooh他(唔係好明講咩) so he decided to share the vegetable to his friends after he reaped the vegetable.

2007-04-23 21:54:03 補充:
我之前個句(第三句)係話……我鐘意呢本書,因為佢好有趣。如果你想在第三句強調搞笑,你可以話……3 I like this book because it made me laughed many time.
參考: 自己
2007-04-24 5:42 am
I most like the role is winnie the pooh, because he is very hlepful
2. the book is about the rabbit plant many vegetables, but do not share with his friend, which is Winnie the Pooh .Therefore, after he harvests the vegetables,he shares together with his friends.
3. I like this book, because this book is very funny.
參考: 自己..
2007-04-24 5:40 am
1.My favorite role is Xiao Xiong Winnie, the reason? He is ready to help others.
2.This book planted a lot of vegetables after speaking Rabbit, but not willing to share with the friend, his friend Winnie the Pooh he. So, after he decides to gather in the vegetables, share together with friends.
3.Do I like this book, the reason? This book is in order to make laughs.

2007-04-25 18:49:37 補充:
2.This book planted a lot of vegetables after speaking Rabbit, but not willing to share with the friend, his friend Winnie the Pooh is not only not angry, and when he meets difficulty , also help him. So, after he decides to gather in the vegetables, share together with friends.

2007-04-25 18:49:38 補充:
2.This book planted a lot of vegetables after speaking Rabbit, but not willing to share with the friend, his friend Winnie the Pooh is not only not angry, and when he meets difficulty , also help him. So, after he decides to gather in the vegetables, share together with friends.
參考: me

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