What is 無聊 in English

2007-04-24 3:19 am
Two individual words, each to describe one's character or his acts :
1. describing the person: free, having nothing to do
2. describing his acts : something stupid, like making dirty jokes

For no. 2, the word is intended for scolding people.

回答 (5)

2007-04-24 3:28 am
✔ 最佳答案
bored; boring; dull; uninteresting; vapid; monotonous; tedious

senseless; silly; stupid
2007-04-24 3:49 am
1. idle 無所事事的

2. dirty 猥褻下流的
2007-04-24 3:45 am
1. he is bored.
2. he is nonsense.
2007-04-24 3:30 am
1. boring
I'm boring=我好無聊。
you are boring=你好無聊

2. bore
you are bore =你是個無聊的人。
the book is bore=這是本無聊的書。

2007-04-23 19:31:48 補充:
sorry ,not bore.is bored .
參考: 自已作。如有雷同。純屬巧合。
2007-04-24 3:29 am
NO.1 bored
I am very BORED.
No.2 boring
The jokes is very boring!
參考: me

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