
2007-04-24 2:32 am

回答 (6)

2007-04-24 9:46 am
✔ 最佳答案
火龍果 & 香蕉
2007-04-25 7:48 pm
香蕉, 碌柚, 西柚
2007-04-24 2:49 am
木 瓜 啦! 木 瓜 汁 是 治 療 消 化 不 良 的 傳 統 偏 方纖 維 質 能 幫 助 通 便 正 常 , 並 預 防 結 腸 直 腸 癌 。

另 外,香 蕉 都 好 好!香 蕉 可 清 熱 潤 腸,促 進 腸 胃 蠕 動,但 脾 虛 泄 瀉 者 卻 不 宜。
2007-04-24 2:43 am
2007-04-24 2:38 am
2007-04-24 2:37 am
don't know what the english name of that is but it's pronounced "for loung gor" in cantonese~ the one that looks like a Taro and is in red~ with green thingees sticking out and the meet is white with alot of black seeds
參考: TVB

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