
2007-04-24 2:16 am
(4)What other material can be added to your design in other to get clearer water?

(5)List out the defects of your design.

(6)Suggest ways to improve your design by modifying the setup.

(7)Which part(s) of your design can be rearranged to solve the problem in (5)?Give your reason.

回答 (3)

2007-04-24 2:23 am
✔ 最佳答案
- Soar through space starting at 10 million light years away from the Milky Way down through to a single proton in Florida in decreasing orders of magnitude (powers of ten). This tutorial explores the use of exponential notation to understand and compare the size of things in our world and the universe, and provides a glimpse of the duality between the macroworld around us and the hidden microworld within.

NEW! - Live-Cell Imaging - An increasing number of investigations are using live-cell imaging techniques to provide critical insight into the fundamental nature of cellular and tissue function, especially due to the rapid advances that are currently being witnessed in fluorescent protein and synthetic fluorophore technology. As such, live-cell imaging has become a requisite analytical tool in most cell biology laboratories, as well as a routine methodology that is practiced in the wide ranging fields of neurobiology, developmental biology, pharmacology, and many of the other related biomedical research disciplines. Among the most significant technical challenges for performing successful live-cell imaging experiments is to maintain the cells in a healthy state and functioning normally on the microscope stage while being illuminated in the presence of synthetic fluorophores and/or fluorescent proteins.

NEW! - Comparing Confocal and Widefield Fluorescence Microscopy - Confocal microscopy offers several distinct advantages over traditional widefield fluorescence microscopy, including the ability to control depth of field, elimination or reduction of background information away from the focal plane (that leads to image degradation), and the capability to collect serial optical sections from thick specimens. The basic key to the confocal approach is the use of spatial filtering techniques to eliminate out-of-focus light or glare in specimens whose thickness exceeds the dimensions of the focal plane. This interactive tutorial explores and compares the differences between specimens when viewed in a confocal versus a widefield fluorescence microscope.

NEW! - Fluorescence (F顤ster) Resonance Energy Transfer with Fluorescent Proteins - Fluorescent proteins are increasingly being applied as non-invasive probes in living cells due to their ability to be genetically fused to proteins of interest for investigations of localization, transport, and dynamics. In addition, the spectral properties of fluorescent proteins are ideal for measuring the potential for intracellular molecular interactions using the technique of F顤ster (or fluorescence) resonance energy transfer (FRET) microscopy. Because energy transfer is limited to distances of less than 10 nanometers, the detection of FRET provides valuable information about the spatial relationships of fusion proteins on a sub-resolution scale. This interactive tutorial explores various combinations of fluorescent proteins as potential FRET partners and provides information about critical resonance energy transfer parameters, as well as suggestions for microscope optical filter and light source configuration.

NEW! - The Fluorescent Protein Color Palette - A broad range of fluorescent protein genetic variants have been developed over the past several years that feature fluorescence emission spectral profiles spanning almost the entire visible light spectrum. Extensive mutagenesis efforts in the original jellyfish protein have resulted in new fluorescent probes that range in color from blue to yellow and are some of the most widely used in vivo reporter molecules in biological research.
參考: you can go to yahoo and find some informations.
2007-05-27 6:57 pm
very good
2007-04-24 10:38 pm
use more different kinds and sizes of materials to filter the water, for example, different sizes of stones

some substances in the water are too small that we can't filter it out

try to find something which is small comparing to the small impurities

put a filter paper at the bottom
參考: me*

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