
2007-04-24 2:14 am
我今年15old ..
我想問如果去1個人去美國/英國留學係咪冇可能 ?
住方面我美國/英國都有fd 可以比我住1頭兩個月
如果係.. 我去到就要邊番工邊讀書
我想問 :
1. 我想問如果去1個人去美國/英國留學係咪冇可能 ?
2. 我呢個年紀係果度係咪好難搵工(做m記我都冇問題的!!! ) ?
3. 多數d工有幾多錢人工 ? 我可唔可以維持生活 ?
4. 果度d野貴唔貴 ? 1個月生活$$要幾多 (答車,買送,學費...) ?
5. 去果度護照果d.. 要點 ? 1般有咩程序 ?
6. 英國定美國比較好 ? 我想去讀econ的 !

回答 (2)

2007-04-24 2:29 am
✔ 最佳答案
seriously..if ur family is not very much but u want to go to foreign country
i would suggest you to go to australia or new zealand.
In england and america..its very expensive for international students.
It means that you are not permanent resident in that country but u want to study there.
If ur family work for government..they will have some specail price for u
but its still very expensive.
I am actually student in New Zealand.
Its about 200,000 hk dollars per year include study and insurance fees.
i think its even more expensive in us and usa. In here u allow to work for 20 hours per week and u get about 40 hk dollars after tax if u work in madonald.
i think u will get more in US and USA. But proportionately u have to spend more in us and usa. No matter wt country u go to, u have to go to immigration centre to apply student visa.
if i choose i will choose USA. Because there are more famous university u can try to get in like UCLA, MIT and stuff... if u want to study econ...it means B commerce. Its not very hard to get in. I can tell

I hope this can help u.
2007-04-24 2:41 am
我細你一年我都想去外國讀 =V=
1.. 同你講冇野你唔可能 ,,只要你識自己照顧自己既話就咩都得
不過你要知道果邊係種族其視得好勁 ..黑人有黑人白人有白人
仲有你要小心果邊係會恰新人.. 好有可能俾佢地玩 恰 打 笑 你
2.. 唔係話咁 2 架 你岩岩去到人生路不淑 -0- * 除非你英文自問好好
唔係既話你點做櫃面丫..就算佢請你你都係做到入邊野食果D架咋 !!
3.. 呢個 唔知.. 去到果到你要預左開頭會好辛苦 ..因為講真如果
你冇錢既話要搵功 M 記 多數都唔請 ..講真我有個丫SIR 以前18去
過美國讀書 佢係做-----洗碗------架 !!! 我講真架 ...
4.. 果到D野梗係貴啦 打晒稅丫.. 1個月唔知 一年係果邊讀書 20萬到啦
6.. 唔知ECON邊到好..應該係美國好D架 !! 但係美國

1你要知道果邊係種族其視得好勁 ..黑人有黑人白人有白人
仲有你要小心果邊係會恰新人.. 好有可能俾佢地玩 恰 打 笑 你
參考: 去邊果邊既同學丫SIR

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