fill in the blanks

2007-04-24 1:54 am
Bonnie Ngai Hoi-ian, who will try to Q7. ________ her earlier score by taking the English exam next year, says she is not worried about the new syllabus.

"I'm still trying to find out what the new changes are, especially with regard to the SBA. But I'm sure it's not that difficult to Q8. ________,"

Q.7 a. pass
b. achieve
c. improve

Q.8 a. catch
b. catch up
c. catch out

回答 (4)

2007-04-24 1:57 am
✔ 最佳答案
Answers to the two questions are:

A.7 c

A.8 b

2007-04-23 19:51:51 補充:
哎呀, 慢過第一個回覆零點幾秒添. 唔緊要, 最重要俾埋以下的答案解釋:Q.7 improve選擇 improve 主要因為看上文下理, 後面提到的是 " earlier score ", 就是說 Bonnie 已經曾考過該試, 按常理應不只是 " pass " 或 " achieve " 之前取得的成績, 所以唯一的選擇是 improve (改善; 改進).

2007-04-23 19:52:23 補充:
Q.8 catch up文中提到考試有新的範圍, 即代表 Bonnie 要追番新的部分, 如何不同, 如何部署考試策略應戰. 所以 catch up (趕上; 追上) 是唯一合理的答案.
2007-04-24 1:58 am
Q.7 c
Q.8 b
2007-04-24 1:58 am
Q7 = b
Q8 = b
2007-04-24 1:57 am
Bonnie Ngai Hoi-ian, who will try to Q7. ________ her earlier score by taking the English exam next year, says she is not worried about the new syllabus.

"I' m still trying to find out what the new changes are, especially with regard to the SBA. But I'm sure it's not that difficult to Q8. ________,"
7. improve
8. catch up
參考: ,Me

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