
2007-04-24 1:26 am
今次做個project個topic係MTR,而我同另外2個同學都係主要負責Promotion果Part,開頭做既時候都以為好容易同埋都唔係做好多野,因為MTR係香港咁普遍的交通工具,差唔多每個香港人都一定乘搭過,又駛乜做咁多Promotion,之後做既時候先發覺原來唔係既,原來MTR都做左好多Promotion可能我地冇留意,MTR為左迎合不同乘客需要做左好多Promotion,力求做得更加完美黎吸引乘客選搭,例如:今次我地做個Project都有提過既口訣Game, Hello Kitty Wedding Dream, iCentre等等,

回答 (2)

2007-04-24 2:07 am
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This time, the topic of the project is MTR. My two schoolmates and I are responsible for the Promotion section. At first, we think it is easy and there is not much to do since MTR is such a popular transportation in Hong Kong . Nearly every people in Hong Kong have taken the MTR and promotion is not quite necessary. Eventually, we realized that we have not noticed that MTR has done so many promotions. To accommodate people from all walks of life, MTR has to do a lot of promotions so as to attract passengers. For example, we have mentioned rhyme game, Hello Kitty Wedding Dream, iCentre and so on in our project this time.
2007-04-24 2:00 am
This project is about MTR. I and two other classmates are responsible for the part about promotion and advertising. At the beginning, we thought it would be an easy job with few things to do bcause we believed that MTR would not need much promotion as it is so popular in Hong Kong that everyone must rely on it to travel around the city. It turned out to be the opposite case. We have failed to pay attention to the fact that MTR has done a lot of advertising and promotion targeting different groups of passengers to attract them to travel on MTR. It has held campaings, as we have pointed out in our project, like the Slogan Contest, Hello Kitty Wedding Dream Campaign, and iCentre.
參考: 不是網上自動翻譯.

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