sudents problems 請問這段英文,文法上有錯誤嗎? 會考用的,請指點指點 thank you.

2007-04-24 12:56 am
Besides, Hong Kong Students have to do a lot of homework and they are even busier than adults. No mater how diligent they are, the only thing they achieve is to realise how to get a better result. They lose their sentiments as they always keep in touch with plenty of cool books day after day.

請問這段英文,文法上有錯誤嗎? 會考用的,請指點指點
如覺得有更美麗的句子,請指點指點. thank you very much.

回答 (2)

2007-04-27 12:48 am
✔ 最佳答案
Besides, Hong Kong Students have to do a lot of homework and they are even busier than adults. No matter how diligent they are, the only thing that they achieve is to realise how to get a better result. They lose their sentiments as they always keep in touch with lots of cool books.

*^* 【No 『mater』】is a spelling mistake, it should be{No 〔matter〕}

*^* 【the only thing they achieve is to realise how to get a better result】add 『that』, 【the only thing that they achieve is to realise how to get a better result】to connect the two sentences' structure

^+^ 【as】here is meaned 因為, so you use「because / since / due to」, they are the same meaning

^_^ 【plenty of】here is meaned 很多, but the main meaning of this is 充足, so it should change to be 『lots of / many ...』

*^* 【day after day】should be delete, it is unnecessary, because it can be find the same meaning in the last sentence, the word『always』
參考: My Knowledge + My Mind + English Dictionary + My Experience + Have Learned
2007-04-24 1:21 am
Students -> students
mater -> matter
the only thing they achieve is to realise how to get a better result < 你想講d咩? 點解用achieve呢個字? 我唔係好明 =)

2007-04-23 17:56:45 補充:
The Microsoft Word cannot point out all the mistakes. It can't see your usage problems.

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