請問because 同because of 兩者在英文運用上有什麼分別?

2007-04-23 8:01 pm

回答 (2)

2007-04-23 8:23 pm
✔ 最佳答案
because = (連接詞) due to the fact that - 會跟verb一起用
e.g. I did it because he told me to.
e.g. It was because, he told me that he'd like to invite Susan for dinner, I reserved a table for two of them.

because of = (prep.) 為了...緣故 by reason of, due to, on account of, for - 不會跟verb一起用, 必有(,)分句
e.g. Because of the surgery, I have to quit smoking.
e.g. I haven't had enough rest because of playing (n.) tv game overnight.
e.g. They are here because of us.

2007-04-23 12:25:11 補充:
必有(,)分句 = 以前英文系有用(,), 但而家好少架喇

2007-04-24 16:57:42 補充:
e.g. Because of the surgery, I have to quit smoking.因為because of 放o向前面, 句子中間一定要有(,)
參考: my knowledge
2007-04-23 8:32 pm
Because 同because of 都解因為

但because後面就會用動作, 事件
because of後面就會用名詞, 物件

因為下雨, 我們留在家
We stayed home because it was raining.
We stayed home because of the rain.

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