✔ 最佳答案
56 questionnaires were dispatched and have been returned 50 of them.
The purpose of the investigation is to examine how dept knowledge of the Hong Kong people against funds.
2007-04-23 12:33:39 補充:
解說我的寫法 :點解唔用WE開頭 - 因為大多數句子系We, I, They開頭, 咁樣.. 有時侯系唔夠突出. 從問卷結果中可顯示出 - 意思系個「目的」, 而且, 我將「The purose of the investigation」放o向句子前面會令閱讀者第一時間知道你想表達個purpose of the research. **我成日做research架 (真系business嗰啲)
2007-04-23 14:26:06 補充:
how dept knowledge = how DEEP knowledge