
2007-04-23 6:08 pm

咁worth可唔可用作形容詞呀? eg: The book is worth reading. 仲有呢兩句有咩分別呀? 1.a worthwhile visit 2.worth visiting 如可以,咁幾時用worth,幾時用worthwhile

回答 (2)

2007-04-23 6:23 pm
✔ 最佳答案
worth可以作動詞:This necklace is worth(價值)1,000 US dollars.
worth可以作名詞:This research project is of great worth(價值).

worthwhile可以作形容詞:It proved worthwhile(值得做的) to make the trip.

worthy可以作名詞:The local worthies(知名人士)all sat on the platform.
worthy可以作形容詞:She is willing to donate money to a worthy(有價值的) cause.
參考: 希望可以幫到你喇!!
2007-04-23 7:11 pm
咁worth可唔可用作形容詞呀? = yes..
(形) 值錢的, 值的看中的

仲有呢兩句有咩分別呀? = 無乜分別. 兩者都o各結構上都系(形容詞)
1.a worthwhile visit = 也可以用worthwhile to vist
2.worth visiting = 也可以用it was worth to visit.

reference : myself

另外, 有關詳細資料/用法如下 :

(worthed, worthing, worths)
((古)) 發生; 落到…上
Woe worth the day! 今天真倒霉!

1 價值
the worth of higher education 高等教育的價值
2 市價; 物價
stocks having a worth of ten million dollars 價值千萬元的股票
3 數量
ten dollars' worth of natural gas 十元份量的天然瓦斯
wanted their money's worth 要值回他們所花的錢; 要值回票價
4 財富
her net worth 她實有的財富
5 人品; 品格
a person of great worth 有高尚品格的人

1 等值的; 同價的
worth its weight in gold 值同等重量的黃金
2 值得…的
a proposal not worth consideration 不值得考慮的提案
3 擁有…財富的
a person worth millions 身價有幾百萬的人

for all (one) is worth
拼命地; 盡力地
for what it's worth
即使不珍貴; 不論重要與否
Here's my advice, for what it's worth.不管它中不中聽, 這就是我的勸告


值得花費的, 值得做的
That was a worthwhile book.那是本值得一讀的書


(worthi.er, worthi.est)
1 有價值的; 有用的
2 高貴的; 可敬可佩的
a warthy fellow 可敬可佩的人
3 值得的; 當然應得的
worthy to be revered 值得受到尊敬的
worthy of acclaim 值得稱讚的

(pl. worthies)
偉人; 俊傑; 名士



1 表示「值得做…」 的意思
2 表示「經得起…」 的意思


2007-04-24 18:55:21 補充:
更正 : 2.worth visiting = 也可以用There is worth to visit.

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