Sai Kung 請問這段英文,文法上有錯誤嗎? 會考用的,請指點指點 thank you very much.

2007-04-23 5:18 pm
At evening, we came into a restaurant to have lunch. There were a lot of famous dishes, particularly seafood. We certainly had tried a lot of different cuisine so we were very full. We left the restaurant and I had to go home.
It was a very exciting weekend for me. I hope I can go through other experience like that the next time he came to Hong Kong.

請問這段英文,文法上有錯誤嗎? 會考用的,請指點指點
如覺得有更美麗的句子,請指點指點. thank you very much.

回答 (5)

2007-04-23 5:56 pm
✔ 最佳答案

At evening? 你指尋晚?
應該用last night,last evening...唔好用at..
OR..In the night time/during the evening time(如果你有上文)

we came into a restaurant to have" lunch?? "
你寫At evening,...wor...哈哈..夜晚食lunch????

There were a lot of famous dishes
用were/are就唔好用a or an...were係眾數
a lot of..就無S..因為a係指一樣野
..there was a lot of famous dish / there were lots of famous dishes

the next time he came to Hong Kong time 唔係過去式..所以唔好用came..用comes

During the evening time, we went to the restaurant to have dinner. There were lots of famous dishes in the restaurant, espically(特別係) the seafood. We had tried a lot of different cuisine, for example like the lemon chicken...... . We were full when we left the restaurant. I went back home after i said goodbye to them.

That weekend was very exciting for me. I hope when the next time he comes to Hong Kong, we can have the same experience like that again.

2007-04-23 10:41:53 補充:
寫文,尤其會考...唔係只考你文法..你要寫得detail一點,多d描述,多d example, 詳細d...如果你簡化左去..你一定攞唔到高分..仲有句子要通順,句子同句子要going smoothly...
2007-04-25 9:57 pm
幫你改左文法先 (其實主要都係錯 preposition):

(In the) evening, we came (to) a restaurant (for) lunch. (點解 evening 食 lunch 既?)
There were a lot of famous dishes, particularly seafood (dishes).
We certainly (唔要 had) tried (其實用 We decided to try 會貼切 D) a lot of different (dishes) so we were very full.
We left the restaurant and (went) home.
It was a very exciting weekend for me.
I hope I can go through (another) experience like (this) the next time he (comes) to Hong Kong.


如果想多 D 形容詞同流暢 D, 可以考慮下我既 version:

In the evening, we decided to dine in a well-known restaurant famous for its variety of delicious dishes, especially its seafood dishes. To ensure that we did not miss out on any of them, we could not resist but to fill our table with food. After this wonderful meal, we left the restaurant and went home, feeling full and content.

It was a tremendous weekend filled with excitements. Hopefully, his next visit to Hong Kong would bring me another enjoyable and unforgettable experience.

希望可以幫到你! Good luck on your exams.

2007-04-25 14:26:17 補充:
我發現你原來將同一遍文分開三段 post 出來.其實同一遍文拆開來改會好怪.如果你認為我幫到你, 話被我知. 有時間我會幫你改埋其他兩段.yahoo d 分數其實對我唔重要, 我都做過學生, 所以我只係想幫下人.所以如果你想將成篇文 email 被我都冇問題, 有時間我會幫你改.
參考: Me
2007-04-24 1:43 am
In the evening, we went into a famous restaurant to have lunch, which is in Sai Kung. There were a lot of delicious dishes, particularly seafood. We had tried a lot of different cuisine so we were very full. We left the restaurant and I had to go home.
It was a very exciting weekend for me. I hope I can have other experience like the next time he came to Hong Kong.
參考: 我自己、英文字典
2007-04-23 5:59 pm
Correction :

At evening (= In the evening習慣用法), we came into (= went to 不是入來, 而是去) a restaurant to have lunch (=可改可不改= for lunching).

There were (=are 系事實, 而且並非過去的) a lot of famous dishes, particularly (+the 用作加強) seafood. (+As) We certainly(X 取消certainly!) had tried (=have had) a lot of different cuisine (=many different kinds of food, 而不a lot of different cuisin, cuisin = style of cooking.. it seems unlikely to be used in this way) (+ ,) so (X so取消) we were very full. (+ Then, ) We left the restaurant and I had to go home. (... = and went back home)

It was a (=an) very exciting weekend for me. I hope I can (+ experience it again) go through other experience like that the next time ( x 取消 go through...... next time) he came (+ , when he will come) to Hong Kong (+next time).

My suggestion :
We went to a seafood restaurant for lunching in the evening. There is very famous in cooking the seafood, so we have had a lot of dishes and got so full too.
After having such great meal, we walked around Sai Kung before going back home.
It was such an exciting weekend for us. I hope I can experience it again, when he will come to Hong Kong next time.

2007-04-23 10:01:07 補充:
CORRECTION At evening (= In the evening習慣用法), we came into (= went to 不是入來, 而是去) a restaurant to have lunch (= for dinner / to have dinner).

2007-04-23 10:02:54 補充:
We went to a seafood restaurant for DINNER (or to have dinner) in the evening.

2007-04-23 10:08:32 補充:
CORRECTIN - It was a (=an) very exciting weekend for (x for 改為 to) me.
參考: my knowledge
2007-04-23 5:30 pm
We went to a restaurant to have dinner in the evening. There were a lot of delicious dishes, especially seafood. We were very full, because we had order many different cuisine to try. Then we go home afterward.
It was a very exciting weekend for me. I hope that I can go through another experience like this at the next time he came to Hong Kong.

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