usa star 請問這段英文,文法上有錯誤嗎? 會考用的,請指點指點 thank you very much.

2007-04-23 7:56 am
I was very lucky as I won a competition in a film magazine and had an opportunity to enjoy a weekend with my favorite movie star, who was John.
Due to he came from America, I had to talk to him with my poor English. The day, I woke up in the morning. My door bell rang and I opened it at once. I was really shocked. John with the lovely expression on his face was in front of me. I invited him came into my home and had breakfast together.

He was very nice and handsome. he said it was his first time visit Kong Hong. Thus, we decided to travel around Hong Kong and try some amazing cuisine which can not had in USA.

回答 (3)

2007-04-23 8:18 am
✔ 最佳答案
>>my favorite movie star, who was John.
(who was 可略, 因為John 係movie star 的同位語, 再者, 不應用was, 因為John未死)
my favourite movie star, John

>>Due to he came from America
(Due to 後面要noun phrase)
Due to the fact that he came from America
Since/ As/ Because he came from America

>>My door bell rang and I opened it at once
(It 係refer to door, 非door bell)
The door bell rang and I opened the door at once
The door bell rang and I answered the door at once

>>I invited him came into my home and had breakfast together.
I invited him to come into my home and have breakfast together
(invite sb to sth...)
(and 是連接come into my home 和have breakfast together, 所以既然要to come into my home, 就不可 had breakfast with me, 只能是(to) have breakfast with me)

>>he said it was his first time visit Kong Hong. (the first time he visited Hong Kong中, he visited Hong Kong 是relative clause, 形容the first time...)
He said it was the first time he visited Hong Kong

>>Thus, we decided to travel around Hong Kong and try some amazing cuisine which can not had in USA. (cannot後面是bare-infinitive, have是擁有, 在這裡不適用)
Thus, we decided to travel around Hong Kong and try some amazing cuisine which cannot be found in USA


2007-04-23 00:22:22 補充:
sorry, 看漏了這個... The day, I woke up in the morning.(The day 純粹係noun, that day 先係adverb of time)That day I woke up in the morning仲有, 用past tense 係對的
參考: grammar notes
2007-04-24 1:35 am
I was very lucky because I have won a competition in a film magazine and had an opportunity to enjoy a weekend with my favourite movie star, John. He is very nice and handsome. He said it was his first time to visit Hong Kong. Therefore, we decided to travel around Hong Kong and try some amazing cuisine which he can not have in USA.
Since he came from America, I had to talk to him in my poor English. That day, I woke up early in the morning. My door bell rang and I opened it at once. I was shocked ! He was John and he was with a lovely expression on his face. I invited him in and we had delicious breakfast together.
參考: 我自己、英文字典
2007-04-23 8:03 am
Change the whole passage from past tense to present tense.
參考: Longman Dictionary

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