[你當呢度係自己屋企一樣得架啦] 英文點講?

2007-04-23 6:16 am
[你當呢度係自己屋企一樣得架啦] 英文點講?

唔該晒! ^_^ 可唔可以再問... 因為太耐冇講英文啦, 但有外國friend來作客有乜野好講架? 可唔可以提意下. 對方係朋友既父母, 已很老. 不想用太輕挑既態度...有乜好提意?

回答 (5)

2007-04-23 6:21 am
✔ 最佳答案
客人來訪,你叫他Make yourself (right) at home. 等於叫他不要客氣,像在他自己家一樣。另一句類似的話是My / Our house is your house.(我的家就是你的家),其後還可加上一句:Make yourself comfortable.(不要拘束)

2007-04-22 22:29:02 補充:
For Australians, "Make yourself at home".means to behave in a relaxed way in a place, as if it was your own home.Example:Sit down and make yourself at home while I make some coffee. We made ourselves at home, using the bathroom and drinking all their beer.

2007-04-22 22:29:16 補充: "MAKE YOURSELF AT HOME" meaning site:.au&hl=zh-TW&ct=clnk&cd=1&gl=hk
2007-04-23 9:08 am
你當呢度係自己屋企一樣得架啦= Feel this place like you home!
參考: me!
2007-04-23 8:26 am
Be you the degree is an own house Qi similar get
2007-04-23 6:18 am
just make yourself comfortable

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