
2007-04-23 6:10 am

""我會揀在XX飾演 主角YY 的ZZ""


回答 (3)

2007-04-23 7:05 am
✔ 最佳答案
第一句要用「第三式可能型/third conditional」,因為說話者不可能是話題主角的女兒。不然的話,句子就不可以用如果。英文在這一方面是很清楚的,不可以錯用。
"If I were his daughter, I would be proud of my father."
記得,這句並非過去式,而是third conditional。

小聰明: petty wit/cleverness

I will choose X to play the role of Z of the lead actor Y

2007-04-22 23:09:02 補充:
(看漏了個在字)我會選擇在XX飾演 主角YY 的ZZI will choose ZZ, who plays a leading role of YY in the film XX.
2007-04-23 6:30 am
如果我係佢個女,我會以我父親為驕傲: i'll proud of him if i'm his daughter
小聰明: petty trick
我會揀在XX飾演 主角YY 的ZZ: i'll choose to portray YY's ZZ in XX
2007-04-23 6:15 am
"If I'm his daughter,I'm proud of my father"
" little bit smart"
"I 'will choose to play YYin ZZ
參考: Longman Dictionary

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