water pollution o既 問題... 10分!!!!

2007-04-23 4:56 am
我想問下water pollution有咩effects ar...
effects of 人and 環境..
最好點列說明in english...



回答 (2)

2007-04-23 9:14 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Effects of water pollution
1) Waste materials which go into rivers and the sea may promote the growth of alage. Alage may use all the oxygen . The excess growth of alage is also the cause of red tides.

2)Because fish and other marine life cannot live in Hong Kong's dirty water, fishing boats have to travel further to find fish. As a result, we have to pay more for our seafood.

3) If marine plants die, the fish which feed on them die. If the fish die, the birds which feed on them will also die. The birds which feed on them will also die. The whole food chain is broken and we will have less food to eat.

4) Poisonous chemical waste which goes into the sea can affect fish. Human may be poisoned by eating these fish.

5) People who drink polluted water may catch cholera or typhoid.

6) People swimming in dirty water may develop ear or skin infections or other diseases.

7) Crude oil leaked into the sea from tankers can destroy beaches, marine life and birds.
2007-04-26 7:38 pm
Waste materials which go into rivers and the sea may promote the growth of alage.

收錄日期: 2021-04-26 13:40:25
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