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2007-04-23 2:37 am
你好! 上個星期日 , 我同我個同學睇左一套電影, 呢套電影叫 " 蜘蛛俠 2 " 我同我個同學都覺得呢部是一部很精彩的電影.,令我地好難忘.

而家我就介紹比你睇啦 , 內容講述Peter Parker喺一次課外活動中意外地被一隻受過放射性感染嘅蜘蛛咬傷後,獲得具有蜘蛛一般嘅特殊能力。改變左Peter Parker嘅一生,,在這一集當中,故事的主角,也就是具雙重身份的彼得/蜘蛛俠,面臨到比第一集更為驚險的挑戰. 這輩子注定要與一般人與眾不同的彼得,對於自己[蜘蛛俠]的身分感到身心疲憊,而與他心愛的青梅竹馬感情更加不穩定,種種的因素都讓彼得希望能夠擺脫蜘蛛俠的身分,當個平凡人.

我覺得呢套片很精彩 ,特別是打鬥鏡頭的場面 ,同埋 蜘蛛俠的超能力 令我十分驚訝 .蜘蛛俠擁有非常靈敏嘅超級感官,同有預知危險嘅能力 ,又可以能夠製造結實而有韌性嘅蜘蛛絲並帶有黏性,佢仲可以編製成蛛網,利用蛛絲喺大廈之間擺盪穿梭而行
所以,我覺得蜘蛛俠真係好勁 係市民心目中的大英雄 . 我覺得呢套好值好你去睇

回答 (5)

2007-04-23 3:37 am
✔ 最佳答案
Hi, last Sunday, my friends and I watched a movie called Spider Man 2 together. Both of us think that it was a really great movie, it is unforgettable

Now, I would like to introduce the movie to you. Its story is about a boy named Peter Parker, who got bitten by a radioactive-infested spider accidentally during an extra-curricular activity. In the process, he acquired a spider-like superpower. This accident was destined to change Peter Parker's entire life. In this episode, the main character, or Peter with a double identity as spider man, faced even greater, and more exciting challenges than the previous episode. Destined to be different from most people, Peter felt tired and worn out both mentally and physically about the spider man's side of his, moreover, the relationship between his childhood/girl friends and him was shaken because of his spider man's side. These and others reasons have led Peter to want to be able to extricate himself from the burdens of being spider man, and to become a normal person again.

I think this movie is really great, especially the fighting scenes. Also, the superpower of spider man have left me in a state of mind-numbing astonishment. Spider man processes a very nimble super-senses, and a power to foretell danger, moreover, he can make tough and strong spider-threads with abhesiveness. He can use the threads to swing between and around skyscrapers to move in a rapid speed to his destination. He is also able to weave cobwebs with the spider-threads.

This is why I think spider man is very great, is the hero of every citizens. I would highly recommend this movie to you.

2007-04-22 19:43:52 補充:
全自己寫的,保證文章通順,不是翻譯機作品.'是單開引號,這裡顯示不到. 還有你需要翻譯的話,最好可以說明一下你所需要的類型是什麼. 翻出來的會比較好. 是作文的話,開頭用 你好, 或 hi 就很怪了, 演講的話,文中一些字應該要改一下.
2007-04-23 8:36 am
How do you do! On last Sunday, I together I left movie with a set of classmate Di, set the movie was " spider Xia 2" I together I did the classmates all feel the department was a very fascinating movie. , Make I the ground can hardly forget.

And house I introduce to compare your Di, does the content relate Peter Parker? BE by chance been infected by radio by 1 in an extracurricular activity? Is the spider had spider generally after biting? Special ability. Change left Peter Parker? Whole life, ,Gather here in the middle, the leading role of story is also Peter/spider Xia who has a dual identity, facing to gather to challenge more breathtakingly than the first. Whole life wants destined to with ordinary people, different Peter,, for oneself%the 5 B spider Xia%the status with 5 Ds feel mind and body exhausted, and is more unsteady with his beloved childhood friends affection, various factor's letting Peter hope can get away from the status of spider Xia, being an ordinary person. Do I feel set the slice is very fascinating, fighting the condition of lens especially, covering up the super ability of spider Xia to make together I am very surprised.The spider Xia owns very intelligent? Super sense, have already predicted danger together? Ability, can can make to fructify and have a tenacity again? The spider's thread also brings sticky, can the Ju Zhong draw up spider's web, make use of spider's thread? The of mansion puts to concuss to wear shuttle and goes
So, I feel spider Xia's really ising a good strength is the citizen's big hero within heart. Do I feel set good value good you go to Di
2007-04-23 3:09 am
Hi, I've watched a movie, " Spider Man 2" with my friends last Sunday . We all agreed that this a masterful and unforgetable movie .
Let me introduce the movie to you now , Peter Parker found himself gained a power like spider after he was bit by a spider which is radioactivity infected during an outside-school activity. These had change Peter's whole life. In this section , the leading role, Peter and the Spider man at the same time, are facing challenges which is more difficult than the first section . The challenges made him felt so tired of it , and because of the gap between him and his lover , he want to get out of spider man , just be a common people.

I think this movie is very attractive, especially the fighting scene .Besides,the great power of Spider man makes me feel so surprised! Spider man has smart sense organs,and the foreknowledge of dangerous . And also , the thread of him was so tough that can make spider web and let him to go through between buildings and buildings.
Because of the reasons above, i am so admired of Spider man .He is really a hero in the heart of human . This movie is really deserved to be enjoyed.

Hope it can help u =) i really makeit myself ga ..kaka =P
參考: My self
2007-04-23 2:47 am
Hello! Last Sunday, between I and I pieces of classmate look askance the first on the left film, woolen cloth a film ask " The spider is chivalrous 2 " It is pieces of classmate that think department parts of excellent film very., Make my place easy to forget. And I introduce the family more than you, the content tells Peter Parker 喺The extracurricular activities of once have liked the other places and has been received radioactive infection by one 嘅After the spider bites, are generally have spiders 嘅Special ability. Change left Peter Parker 嘅All one's life, in this part, protagonist of story, that is to say Peter to have dual identity / chivalrous spider, face getting than the first part of more thrilling challenges. This lifetime is destined to take with common people Peter out of the common, feel physical and psychological weariness in identity to oneself [the spider is chivalrous ], and and his loved innocent childhood friend's emotion is more unstable, all sorts of factors all let Peter hope to get rid of spider's chivalrous identity, act as an ordinary person. I think each is very excellent, the scene of the lens that especially fight, make me very surprised with burying spider's chivalrous ultra ability. The spider is chivalrous and very sensitive 嘅Super sense organ, with foreseeing dangers 嘅Ability, but there is toughness to can make and bear fruit 嘅The spider silk has stickness, second can work out into a spider web, utilize gossamer 喺Swing to shuttle back and forth between the mansions so I think spider to be chivalrous to fasten strength department big hero, citizen of mind really. I think a set of good value is good you look askance
2007-04-23 2:46 am
你好! 上個星期日 , 我同我個同學睇左一套電影, 呢套電影叫 " 蜘蛛俠 2 " 我同我個同學都覺得呢部是一部很精彩的電影.,令我地好難忘.

而家我就介紹比你睇啦 , 內容講述Peter Parker喺一次課外活動中意外地被一隻受過放射性感染嘅蜘蛛咬傷後,獲得具有蜘蛛一般嘅特殊能力。改變左Peter Parker嘅一生,,在這一集當中,故事的主角,也就是具雙重身份的彼得/蜘蛛俠,面臨到比第一集更為驚險的挑戰. 這輩子注定要與一般人與眾不同的彼得,對於自己[蜘蛛俠]的身分感到身心疲憊,而與他心愛的青梅竹馬感情更加不穩定,種種的因素都讓彼得希望能夠擺脫蜘蛛俠的身分,當個平凡人.

我覺得呢套片很精彩 ,特別是打鬥鏡頭的場面 ,同埋 蜘蛛俠的超能力 令我十分驚訝 .蜘蛛俠擁有非常靈敏嘅超級感官,同有預知危險嘅能力 ,又可以能夠製造結實而有韌性嘅蜘蛛絲並帶有黏性,佢仲可以編製成蛛網,利用蛛絲喺大廈之間擺盪穿梭而行
所以,我覺得蜘蛛俠真係好勁 係市民心目中的大英雄 . 我覺得呢套好值好你去睇

Hello! Last Sunday, it is as me in I last first on the left pieces of classmate film, let sets of film think I pieces of classmate department parts of excellent film very I for " spider 2 not chivalrous "., make my place easy to forget.

And I introduce the family more than you, does the content tell Peter Parker? Have the extracurricular activities of once liked the other places and has been received radioactive infection by one? After the spider bites, is it general to have spiders? Special ability . Change left Peter Parker? All one's life,,in it is here for part, protagonist of story, that is to say Peter to have dual identity / chivalrous spider, face reaching than the first part of more thrilling challenges. Destined this lifetime to take with common people Peter out of the common, feel physical and psychological weariness in identity to oneself [the spider is chivalrous ], and and his loved innocent childhood friend's emotion is more unstable, all sorts of factors all let Peter hope to get rid of spider's chivalrous identity, act as an ordinary person.

I think that each is very excellent , the scene of the lens that especially fight , make me very surprised with bury spider's chivalrous ultra ability . Is the spider chivalrous and very sensitive ? Super sense organ, with foresee dangers ? Ability , can make and bear fruit also but have toughness? Spider silk have stickness is second to can work out spider web , utilize gossamer? Swing to shuttle back and forth but walk between the mansions
So, I feel that the spider very fastens the big hero in department's citizen's mind of strength chivalrously. I think that a set of good value is good you look askance
參考: me

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