chem about redox reaction

2007-04-23 1:17 am
I know how to determine a reaction is redox or not but 我有d野唔明ar
In a reaction, 係咪要every element ge oxidation number 都要有changes先可以叫做redox reaction.
Just take an example,
2Na(s)+ 2H2O(l) ---> 2NaOH(aq)+H(g)
0 +1-2 +1-2+1 0
if 一樣野ge oxidation number 可以decrease 禁it as an oxidizing agent
HNO3 is a oxidizing agent. 我想問who ge oxidation number decrease 令到佢ge 係一個oxidizing agent?

回答 (3)

2007-04-23 2:15 am
✔ 最佳答案
係咪要every element ge oxidation number 都要有changes先可以叫做redox reaction?

唔係..只要個equation入面有一個元素oxidation number有改變就係redox reaction
拎你個example為例( ps: 你個equation寫錯左)
2Na(s)+ 2H2O(l) ---> 2NaOH(aq)+H2(g)

只有Na同H的oxidation number有改變,但O的oxidation number冇改變...
但佢仍然係redox reaction.
我想問who ge oxidation number decrease 令到佢ge 係一個oxidizing agent?

我以copper as an example (conc.HNO3 or dilute.HNO3都得,I use dilute)
2HNO3(aq) + Cu(s) ---> Cu(NO3)2 (aq) + NO(g) + H2O(l)

Cu的oxidation number 由0 change to +2
而N的oxidation number 由+4 change to +2
N的oxidation number decrease 令到佢ge 係一個oxidizing agent
2007-04-23 4:17 am
I just want to point out ==> (this is wrong)
但係有些特別例子則不是,如organic的substitution reaction of alkane.
If we work out the oxidation number of carbon, its oxidation number changed.
2007-04-23 3:09 am
但係有些特別例子則不是,如organic的substitution reaction of alkane.

HNO3 係oxidizing agent.
咁佢同reducing agent react 就得
reducing agent有好多例子:
metal:(eg K------>K+ + e-)
halide:(eg 2Cl- -------> Cl2 + 2e-)
參考: eason mensa

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