可不可以 list 60 common adj. +preposition?( plus meaning)

2007-04-22 9:21 pm
happy in/with (something) satisfied
concerned about (something) care

回答 (2)

2007-04-30 10:13 pm
✔ 最佳答案
有時很難說那些字才算是 common 的. 希望以下資料對你有幫助:

Use the following adjectives followed by 'about'. Each group of adjectives have the same or related meanings. Use the verb 'to be' with these expressions.
angry / annoyed / furious about something Example: I'm really angry about our losses on the stock market!
excited about something Example: He's excited about his birthday party next week.
worried / upset about something Example: He's worried about his upcoming examinations.
sorry about something Example: I'm very sorry about Losing your book.
Use the following adjectives followed by 'at'. Each group of adjectives have the same or related meanings. Use the verb 'to be' with these expressions.
good / excellent / brillant at something OR at doing something Example: They are excellent at planning fun parties.
bad / hopeless at something OR at doing something Example: Unfortunately, I'm hopeless at being on time.
Use the following adjectives followed by 'at' or 'by'. Each group of adjectives have the same or related meanings. Use the verb 'to be' with these expressions.
amazed / astonished / shocked / surprised at OR by something Example: I was amazed at his stamina.
Use the following adjectives followed by 'for'. Each group of adjectives have the same or related meanings. Use the verb 'to be' with these expressions.
angry with someone (with 那人) for something (for 某原因) Example: I'm really angry with John for his total lack of responsibility.
famous for something Example: She's famous for her watercolor paintings.
responsible for something Example: You'll have to speak to John, he's responsible for customer complaints.
sorry for doing something Example: He says he's sorry for shouting at you.
(to feel or be) sorry for someone Example: I really feel sorry for Pam.
Use the following adjectives followed by 'from'.
different from somone / something Example: His photographs are very different from his paintings.
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