
2007-04-22 9:11 pm
From victory to victory, from triumph to triumph, Alexander created an empire which brought him eternal glory. He brought Greek ideas, culture and life style to the countries which he conquered, and assured expansion and domination of Hellenistic Culture which, together with Roman Civilization and Christianity, constitutes the foundation of what is now called Western Civilization.

回答 (2)

2007-04-23 5:28 am
✔ 最佳答案
From victory to victory, from triumph to triumph, Alexander created an empire which brought him eternal glory.
He brought Greek ideas, culture and life style to the countries which he conquered,
and assured expansion and domination of Hellenistic Culture which,
together with Roman Civilization and Christianity, constitutes the foundation of what is now called Western Civilization
2007-04-23 8:57 pm
不斷勝利,從勝利到勝利,亞歷山大建立為他帶來永久光榮的一個帝國。 他帶來希臘想法, 文化和生活模式到他征服的國家, 向擴大和以及羅馬衣冠文物和基督教,形成現下被叫為歐美衣冠文物的的基礎的Hellenistic 文化的統治保證

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