請幫我睇吓呢篇文章,邊d arm或錯,請更改.唔該晒!!

2007-04-22 6:27 pm
My grandmother likes to ask a lot of questions.She asks me things like 'Where did you make this dish?'and 'What taught you to cook so well?'.Actually,she knows that she's the one who taught me,so I just laugh.Last at weekned.I showed my grandmother how to the Internet to look for new recipes.She was quite excited.

回答 (3)

2007-04-22 6:51 pm
✔ 最佳答案
My grandmother likes to ask a lot of questions(.She asks me things <--- 不要 ) like ' Where did you make this dish?'( and <--- 不要 )' *Who taught you to cook so well?'.Actually,she knows that *she taught me to cook *,so I just laugh.(Last <--- 不要 )At weekned(. <--- 不要, 改 : , )I showed my grandmother how to * + used *the Internet to look for new recipes.She was *very exciting and she cook the food that in the Internet with me too . *

( * = 要改 )
2007-04-23 3:37 am
My grandmother likes to ask a lot of questions.She asks me things like "where did you make this dish?' and ' What taught you to cook so well?' Acually, she knows that she' s the one who taught me ,so i just laugh.Last weekend, i showed my grandmother how to use the Internet to look for new recipes.She was quite excited.
2007-04-22 6:54 pm
應該是My grandmother likes to ask mea lot of questions.She asks me a lot of amusing questions like 'Where did you make this dish?'and 'Who taught you to cook so well?'.Actually,she knows that she is the one who taught me,so I just laugh.Last at weekned, I showed my grandmother how to look for new recipes in the Internet.She was quite excited.如你想報答我的話, 就add我啦!! My msn is [email protected].

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