how can I get full grant in the university??????

2007-04-22 6:27 pm
how can I get full grant in the university??????

What is the qualification?

How many money should my family have?

回答 (2)

2007-04-22 6:44 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Your family should be very poor if you want to get a full grant.

Let me give you my example. After deducting the tuition fee that I have paid and the grant that SFAA gives me before, the whole family have about $50,000 of saving and current deposit.

In the website of SFAA, you can check, approximately, how much grant you can get. Please understand that the calculation of grant is not only calculated by the amount of deposit and cash that you family holds, but also other assets. (e.g. premises, stocks, gold, car)

2007-04-22 10:46:56 補充:
re: sy學資處係有grant比大專生同大學生. 不過, 只限於經學術評審局或由政府公帑資助既課程. Full grant係幾難拎.
參考: me
2007-04-22 6:36 pm
這是絕對不可能的事....一定要有loan即借錢俾你, 政府不會只是給你grant(不用還)的!

You are a university student, aren't you? How could you have made such a big mistake......
'How many (much!) money should my family have?'!!!!
參考: Just common sense!

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