
2007-04-22 6:20 pm
On Saturdays,we usually have lunch with my grandmother.In winter,we eat at noon but in summer we often eat later because my brother plays basketball in the morning.Usually my brother and I cook.We never make things like pizza or the cheesecake because my grandmother is very traditional.She doesn't like to try food from different country so we make dishes like stir-fried vegetables.steamed fish and rice.After lunch,the afternoon,we all go out for a walk.

回答 (3)

2007-04-22 6:30 pm
✔ 最佳答案
On Saturdays,we usually have lunch with *our* grandmother.In winter,we eat at noon but in summer we often eat later because my brother plays basketball in the *afternoon*.Usually my brother and I cook *the lunch.We never make things like pizza or( *the* <---no )cheesecake because my grandmother is very traditional.She doesn't like to try food from different country(. here) *so* we make dishes like stir-fried vegetables(. <---- to ,steamed fish and rice.After lunch,(*the afternoon,* <--- no)we all go out for a walk(+ to relax.)

2007-04-22 10:32:10 補充:
* = 要改正

2007-04-22 10:35:17 補充:
有D野打錯左,以下是重打 :On Saturdays,we usually have lunch with *our* grandmother.In winter,we eat at noon but in summer we often eat later because my brother plays basketball in the *afternoon*.Usually my brother and I cook *the lunch*.

2007-04-22 10:35:41 補充:
We never make things like pizza or( *the*

2007-04-22 10:35:48 補充:
After lunch,(*the afternoon,*

2007-04-22 10:37:38 補充:
中問的應是:We never make things like pizza or( *the*

2007-04-22 10:40:00 補充:
sorry yahoo 呢到有D問題,當我沒有補充過
2007-04-23 3:41 am
On saturday, we usually have lunch with my grandmother. In winter. In Winter we eat at noon but in Summer we often eat later because my brother plays basketball in the morning, Usually my brother and i cook , We never make things like pizza or the cheese cake because my grandmother is very traditional. She doesn't like to try food from different country so we make disheslike stir-fried vegetables, steamed fish or rice.After lunch, we all go out for a walk.
2007-04-22 6:25 pm
different country (countries)
we do not make any food like pizza nor cheesecake
stir-fried vegetables (vegetable)
after lunch, we all go out for a walk in the afternoon.

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