樂理問題 Q9 什麼是 PERFECT cadence?

2007-04-22 8:35 am
PERFECT cadence , 就是完結時,
最後兩個 chord 是 V, 最後 I,
而且要 root position
更要最高音是 root ( c major 就 是 c)

不過有東西搞不清楚 ....
先 V , 最後 I 中,

V chord 也一定要 root position 嗎 ?

PERFECT cadence, 是否指在樂章上, 所有聲步的最後兩個 chord, both 兩個, 都要 root position 嗎 ?

或, 我有否整個概念搞錯了 ?


回答 (4)

2007-04-24 8:26 am
✔ 最佳答案
其實多數情況都係要用root position o既....
不過如果真係唔係用root position 呢,都可以用3音(1st inversion),例如C major, V chord GBD,都可以用B做底,但係就一定唔可以用5音, I chord 都係,多數用主音,都可以用3音,但一定唔可以用5音。

至於最高音(top note),I chord 一定係要用主音,即係"do" 音,因為要咁先似完結。
V chord係自由選擇,但係一般都係會用3音同5音。例如你諗下,多數唱歌時,你會唱"ti--do"作結,咁" ti" 即係V chord入面o既3音,所以我地多數呢係用3音或者"ri---do" 五音作結。

參考: 我本身係鋼琴和樂理老師﹗
2007-04-30 12:26 am
唔使一定要root position
IV to I is plauge(可能串錯) cadence
2007-04-29 7:01 am
Perfect cadence 是完美終止式!IV to I 是 Plagal 終止式,V to I 或 V7 to I 是 Perfect 終止式,I / II / IV / VI / Ic to V 是 Imperfect 終止式,V / V7 to VI 是Interrupted 終止式。
參考: 自己,自己是8級生
2007-04-22 6:42 pm
In fact, those V chords in the perfect cadence can be either in or not in root position. However, the perfect cadence with a V chord not in root position is usually called 'open cadence', and, the perfect cadence with the V chords in root position is called 'close cadence'.

P.S.Perfect cadence MUST BE V to I. Perfect authentic cadence, according to my knowledge, should be telling that the V chords in the cadence is in root position. And the other perfect cadence means that the V chords of the perfect cadence may not be in root position. But as you say, IV ro I is called plagal cadence. So, don't mix up.

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