
2007-04-22 7:11 am
請問公司如果想撤換其中一位董事(現有三位, 將被撤換的一位持20%股權), 是否要開股東大會, 詳細手續如何? 是否一定要全部董事出席? 如被撤換的一位董事提出反對時又會如何?

回答 (2)

2007-04-22 6:38 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Regarding the resignation or vacation of a director, say ( A ) ,you should and must check to the Clauses in the Articles of Association of the M & A 公司組織章程 regarding the requirement and procedure.

If A is going to resign from the directorship, easy, he/she just tender a resignation letter to the Borad of Directors. A simple majority of votes in the Directors' Meeting will do. A notice regarding such change is then filed with the Companies Registry.

If A is not going to tender a resignation letter, an EGM of shareholders have to be convened. Formal notice has to be sent to all shareholders. Not all shareholders are required to attend but only a quorum is required. If a resolution is passed to remove that director, A will know he/she has no power to overrule the resolution of removing him/her from directorship.
2007-04-22 7:48 am
首先要 3個傾好先, 補番幾錢比 "將被撤換的一位董事"
傾好晒就作番一張"會議記錄"出黎..當然要3個都有出席而且3個都同意補番幾錢比 "將被撤換的一位董事", 然後比律師搞就得 ga la..

會議記錄: 內容包括:
出席人數( 一定要人齊)
之後果 20% 點分
簽名, 公司 chop


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