Bank Reconciliation Statement

2007-04-22 6:54 am
1. 請問bank reconciliation statement會有的items是 unpresented cheque / unpresented in ledger / bank interest / bank charge...仲有無其他的item會出現?以上的item要即時開返張voucher嗎?點開??

2. 通常是咩情況埋唔到個bank reconciliation ?

3.開完Debit Note後是未要開voucher架?



咁請問Debit Note 的Voucher 係Dr ? and Cr ??

回答 (1)

2007-04-22 6:47 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. Some incoming remittance 匯款 or $ transferred in 轉入.
No need to prepare a voucher on unpresented cheques as this already entered via the payment couchers. For bank interest/charges, use the bank advice for payment vouchers. For $ in or remittance, check the nature e.g. payment from debtors, other receiveables etc, prepare a receipt voucher. Vouchers must with supportings and account and description of the transaction for approval.

2. Unless your bank book is not yet closed, normally you could prepare a bank recociliation.

3. After issuing a debit note, you should use a journal voucher to record the transaction in the ledger.

收錄日期: 2021-04-25 20:28:59
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