au gratin汁的做法??

2007-04-22 5:15 am
請問au gratin是什麼汁???


回答 (2)

2007-04-24 10:07 am
✔ 最佳答案
其實AU GRATIN并唔係一種乜野既汁黎架,而係一種做法,意思大約係話你整好既個碟菜OR個碗湯之後,再系上面加啲野(例如:CHEESE),再放系個上面有火既爐入面焗(行内叫"晒爐"),另到面頭有啲焦香就係咁喇....!!!
參考: 自己
2007-04-22 5:17 am
4 cod steaks,2 oz or 50 grammes white breadcrumbs,salt,pepper,1 oz butter,2 oz grated cheddar cheese,pinch of mustard powder.


Grill the breadcrumbs until golden and leave to cool.Salt and pepper the steaks on both sides and put the butter on one side only. Place the steaks on foil under a medium grill butter side up for 6 to 8 minutes. Then turn the fish over and cover with a mixture of the breadcrumbs,cheese,mustard,salt and pepper and grill for a further 6 to 8 minutes. Garnish with a few lemon twists and serve. This goes nice with jacket potatoes and green beans

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