A maths

2007-04-22 5:11 am
general solution
1, sinx+cosx= √2

2, 4sinx+5cosx=3

3, tanx=cotx

回答 (2)

2007-04-22 6:11 am
✔ 最佳答案
Note that the answer will be in radian

Ans 1. Let α be the subsidiary angle.


cos α=1 √2 ⊿1
sin α=1 1

r = √2 α = π/4

√2 (cosxcos α + sinxsin α ) = √2
√2 cos(x- π/4 ) = √2
cos (x- π/4) = 1
x- π/4 = 2nπ
∴ x = 2nπ + π/4

2. 4sinx+5cosx=3

Let β be the subsidiary angle.

cos β= 5 √41 ⊿ 4
sin β= 4 5

r = √41 β = 0.6747 (corr. to 4 sig. fig. )

5(cosxcos β) +4(sinxsinβ ) = 3
√41cos(x-0.6747) = 3
cos(x-0.6747) = 3/ √41
x-0.6747 = 2nπ±1.083 (corr.to 4 sig.fig.)

x = 2nπ+1.083 +0.6747 or x =2nπ+0.6747-1.083
∴ x = 2nπ + 1.76 (corr. to 3 sig. fig.) or x= 2nπ - 0.408(corr. to 3sig. fig)

3. tanx = cotx
tanx = tan (π/2 - x )
x = nπ + π/2 - x
∴ 2x = nπ + π/2
x = nπ/2 + π/4

2007-04-21 22:12:28 補充:
Sorry~ the answer is not clear enough1.cos α=1 sin α=1 √2 ⊿1 12.cos β= 5 sin β= 4 √41 ⊿ 4 5

2007-04-21 22:15:13 補充:
下面那位答題者√(1 1)sin(x π/4)=√2sin(x π/4)=0  ← (應該是1吧?)
參考: my poor A .Maths knowledge
2007-04-22 6:29 am
* ^ is the index no. and (+-) is positive or negative
1. √2(1/√2sinx+1/√2cosx)=√2
x-45=360n (where n is a natural no.)
2. √41(4/√41sinx+5√41cosx)=3
51.34+x=180n+(-1)^n(27.94) (where n is a natural no.)
3. tanx=1/tanx
tanx=1 or -1
tanx=180n(+-)45 (where n is a natural no.)
參考: me

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